Unity Mark No.544 - Installation meeting.
Monday 25th April at Leyland Masonic Hall over 70 Mark Masons assembled to witness the installation of W.Bro. Bill Joughin into the chair of Adoniram. The ceremony was carried out in true Mark tradition with sincerity and a touch of humour by the retiring master W.Bro. Howard Emmett. The principal guest was VW.Bro. Ian Nairn who delivered the address to the brethren in his usual friendly and warm manner.
The Wardens of the Province W.Bro. Andy Whittle and W.Bro. Tony Cross.
Ian Nairn and Bill Joughin enjoying the occasion.
Whilst VW.Bro. Nairn was the principal guest, he was supported by the RW. Provincial Grand Master Keith |Beardmore, The Deputy Provincial Grand Master VW.Bro. Geoffrey Lee and his colleague Assistant Provincial Grand Master VW.Bro. Michael Clarke.
Keith Beardmore listens to Ian Nairn
Howard Emmett, proposing a toast to the health of the Worshipful Master
We all enjoyed a splendid morning of Mark Masonry which was followed by an equally splendid luncheon.
Bill Joughin enjoys responding to the toast to his health.

Report and photographs courtesy of Peter Hegarty